Swachh Bharath Mission Cell

  • Introduction
  • Member Details
  • Policy Document
Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore is a ten year young institutions established under the Maharaja Education Trust to cater to technical education. It has five distinct branches of engineering namely, Civil, Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Information Science, and Mechanical; along with Masters Programs, MCA and MBA. MIT Mysore believes that the students should be first “human beings” and towards that end, there are several initiatives being taken to inculcate those qualities in the students. The Swachh Bharath mission of MIT Mysore (SBM) is aimed at keeping with that objective by various activities such as the class room, corridors, campus clean along with educating the students about cleanliness and hygiene. Further the SBM intends to adopt five villages in the surroundings to educate them about hygiene and cleanliness through the students of MIT, Mysore.


A clean and hygienic environment is essential for the learning minds in an educational institution. A government of India initiative talks about providing clean drinking water, hygienic toilet facilities, etc as a basic necessity for each every citizen of India at home and workplace alike. In order to ensure such an environment and provide a better quality of life at the campus, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore has established a “Swachh bharath mission committee MIT Mysore”. The objective of the committee is to ensure healthy, hygienic and clean environment around the MIT Mysore campus. The members of the committee carry out various functions, with in the scope/objectives of the mission, to continuously contribute to the betterment of the student/faculty life at campus through various initiatives. The policy document of the “Swachh bharath mission- MIT Mysore” touches upon various functionalities, roles, responsibilities, functions etc to meet the objectives set out by the committee for the Institution. To make this policy document relevant, it is recommended that the work and the guidelines as envisaged in this document be reviewed periodically as the need arises.


I am happy to learn that the members of the Swachh Bharath – MIT Mysore committee have spelt out the functional procedure in the form of “Policy Document”. I congratulate members headed by the chairman in this regard. Further they have taken initiatives to ensure that the Swachh Bharath Mission is responsible for the overall healthy and hygienic quality of life on campus with proper disposal of solid waste, etc I, Dr. B G Naresh Kumar, hereby declare that Swachh Bharath Mission committee policy document is right in all aspects and deem fit for actual practice in the auxiliary Swachh mission and the management functions of this institute and hence all aspects compiled in this document be whole heartedly accepted and followed by all the stake holder of the institute with effect from DD/MM/YYYY.
Sl. No. Name Designation Position 
1 Dr. Shivamurthy R.C. Professor and Head, Dept of CSE Chairman
2 Dr.Manoj Kumar N. Assistant professor, Dept of MBA Member
3 Dr. Avinash Gornale Associate professor, Dept of CE Executive Member
4 Prof. Anisha P.S. Assistant professor, Dept of ECE Member
5 Prof. Pratap M. S. Assistant professor, Dept of CSE Member
5 Prof. Chaitra. C Assistant professor, Dept of ISE Member
6 Prof. Subramanya R. A. Assistant professor, Dept of MCA Member
7 Prof. Yogesh Kumar K. J. Assistant professor, Dept of ME Member
8 Mr. Cheluvaraju H.V. Mechanic, CSE Member
9 Mr. Shiva Attender, Placement Member
10 Prof. Kiran kumar L NSS Program Officer, Dept of Humanities Member Secretary

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