Computer Science and Business Systems

Click Here For 2023-syllabus and scheme Details
The Department of Computer Science and Business Systems at Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore started in the year 2022 with an intake of 60. The department has state-of-the-art infrastructure and computing equipment supported by high-speed internet and wireless networks.

The Department of Computer Science and Business Systems comes under the wing of Computer Science and Engineering. Our faculty with rich teaching and research experience aims at delivering top-class education. It also promotes active industry-institute collaboration by identifying areas of interest.

Prospects and future of CSBS

This has been one of the most creative and competitive courses to study since its inception in engineering colleges/institutes and universities.

Computer science and business system students will learn about basic engineering techniques like basic subjects: digital logic and computer organization, Python Programming, Object Oriented Programming with Java, Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, etc… as well as they, are learning the same number of business-related subjects like Financial Management, Business Communication, Ffundamental of Managerial Economics, -Marketing Research & Marketing Management , Fundamentals of Management, Business Strategy, Financial & Cost Accounting, Services Science & Service Operations Management, Human Resource Management , etc.
  • HOD's Message
  • Prospects and future of CSBS
  • PEO's
  • PSO's
  • BOS
  • BOE
  • Competency Syllabus
  • Course Outcomes

Dr. Honnaraju B
Mobile No. 9480843678/9964283052
This has been one of the most creative and competitive courses to study since its inception in engineering colleges/institutes and universities. Computer science and business system students will learn about basic engineering techniques like basic subjects: digital logic and computer organization, Python Programming, Object Oriented Programming with Java, Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, etc… as well as they, are learning the same number of business-related subjects like Financial Management, Business Communication, fundamental of Managerial Economics, -Marketing Research & Marketing Management , Fundamentals of Management, Business Strategy, Financial & Cost Accounting, Services Science & Service Operations Management, Human Resource Management , etc.

Program Educational Objectives

    • To ensure graduates will be proficient in utilizing the fundamental knowledge of basic sciences, mathematics, Computer Science and Business systems for the applications relevant to various streams of Engineering and Technology.
    • To enrich and enable graduates with the core competencies necessary for applying knowledge of computer science and Data analytics tools to store, retrieve, implement and analyze data in the context of business enterprise.
    • To enable graduates to gain employment in organizations and establish themselves as professionals by applying their technical skills and leadership qualities to solve real world problems and meet the diversified needs of industry, academia and research.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO)

  • To create ,select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, modern engineering and business tools including prediction and data analytics to complex engineering activities and business solutions.
  • To evolve Computer Science domain specific methodologies for effective decision making in several domains like business processes and other domains.
  • To manage complex IT projects with consideration of the human, financial, ethical and environmental factors and an understanding of risk management processes, and operational and policy implications.


“We seek to be a leading Computer Science and Business Management recognized for excellence in education and innovation to develop competitive business leaders and entrepreneurs, who are committed to superiority”.


  • Developing a technology driven dynamic pedagogy that is relevant to today’s businesses by adopting outcome based approaches.
  • To generate a talent pool of future leaders who are technologically and analytically bright, and socially sensitive.
  • Create a long-lasting network of esteemed academics and distinguished experts from the business and social sectors.
  • Labs
  • Research Center
  • Class Room
  • HOD Room
  • Department library

The department is a R&D center for Ph.D students. This center is approved by Visvesvarya Technology Institute and Mysore University. The department has highly competent faculty. Several professors in the department have Ph.D degrees.

Areas of research are:

  • Image Processing, Pattern recognition and Computer Vision
  • Computer Networks
  • Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Machine Learning

Currently 16 Research scholars are pursuing Ph.D under Computer science and Engineering (Both VTU and Mysore University).

  1. Research details


  • CSE_Cl
The CSE department has a modest department library which houses a small number of popularly referenced texts, with the aim of providing ready access for the students and faculty.
Sl. No. Details of Department Library Number of books available in the department library
1. Engineering books 453
2. Novel Books  (English) 200
3. Novel Books  (Kannada) 300
4. Drama (English) 6
5. Drama (Kannada) 7
6. Story Book (Kannada & English) 25
7. Competitive Exam Text books (PGCET, GATE, GRE) 12
8. Question Bank 3
9. DVDs (Information Technology) 4
“The intent of the Computer science and Engineering Department Library is to support and enhance the learning, teaching, research, and service activities of the department by providing organized access to quality information. The collection of the Library comprises of recommended books for courses”.

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